Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Friday Favorites!

It's Friday! These are a few of my favorite things.....

Julie Andrews- Sound of Music- Favorite Things
My first favorite thing is AVON's Extrahydration Moisturizer
I love this moisturizer and is the first out of many that I've found that actually work and doesn't make my skim break out. Instead of just sitting on the surface, this is actually absorbed into the skin. If you have dry skin like me, or just looking for a new product, give this one a try. If you are fortunate enough to find an avon rep., go that route. However, do not pay $9.99 like I did on Amazon. This typically retails for $3.99

Mac's Smolder Eye Liner
Just because it says Mac, does not mean you have to pay Mac's super high price. It retails for $14.50, but can easily be purchased on eBay for 11.00. This is only about 5 dollars more than the average drug store eye liner but is super black, almost like ink.
Hint: Always go over black eye liner with a black eye shadow and an angled brush.
Neutrogena Acne Stress Control Power
Stress acne is probably the worst acne I get. Not saying I'm stressed, but I do get emotional about somethings. A good cry never hurt anyone, but it does leave me, and probably you too, with a yucky mark). This is a great use for those times. Neutrogena Stress Acne Cleanser has green tea and cucumber that leaves my skim really refreshed. I use this is opposite or my exfoliator, about four times a week.

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