Friday, May 6, 2011

Super Excited

I bought some new products that I'm really excited about!
The First one is L'Oreal's Youth Code. This three part system comes with a daily lotion, a day/night eye cream, and a day/night moisturizer. After cleaning my eyes and face in the morning I apply the eye cream using the metal applicator. This is supposed to take care of any onset wrinkles and dark circles. I then use This retails for $30 in any drug store, but can be bought for $23-25 on eBay. Also check SlickDeals everyday twice a day for possible coupons and other great offers.

Question: How young is too young to start an anti-aging routine?
I did some research and came up with a ball park number of 25. Although I am not yet 25, I like to spend a lot of time outside. Anything with a high SPF is great to start using now (L'Oreal Youth Code)! If you don't want to fork over the money, simply use sunscreen all over your body (even under clothes). If you are under 25 and start noticing fine lines, start using it now.
I am falling in love with this product. Clarisonic sells for $149 for one speed and $195 for two speeds. The Olay Pro X is only $30 and has two speeds!! I'm so excited they decided to make a dupe! I was lucky enough to buy mine off Amazon for $23 (check out their awesome coupons). If you are a student or have child, two-day shipping is free! I've used the Pro X with the exfoliator it comes with and other products everyday for the past two days and I love it! It's super soft and it's supposed to be getting my face up to 6x cleaner. It has all the dirt fighting power without leaving your skin dry and flaky. A super great investment.

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